Friday, January 6, 2012

My life list...

I lost my original. I sent it in an email, deleted my emails and now, it is lost in space....literally! This gives me an opportunity to make a new one! I will add to this from time to time as things come to mind...

Mandy's life list:

-be suscessful landlords (more for David and I both!)
-go back to Hawaii
-go to NY city with David
-take a photography class
-have another baby (check!)
-get out of the retail business
-buy a house on a big piece of living!
-cook more adventurous meals
-shop the farmers market more than the grocery store
-shop more locally
-run 4-5 days a week
-go to church more
-have "date night" with David
-decorate our bedroom
-make all the bread in my bread bible! 
-shop more thrift stores

To be continued....

It's a small list for now, but I got it started! 
The house needs tending to :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE reading other people's lists. :-) It's neat. Thanks for sharing. I love the idea of making all the bread in your bread bible, that will be a fun challenge.
