Apples, apples and MORE apples!
On my way home from work the other day, I stopped in at my favorite little farm store (Im really going to miss stopping in there often when I move stores) to get Malia some milk. I asked if they had apple sauce there and the lady said No, but it was really easy to make. I told her about how it is Malias favorite desert! She then told me that they were selling BOXES of apples for $20! and, like the tomatoes I bought earlier, the box is PACKED! so, I got a box. It is a mix of golden delicious and golden ginger apples. I have never made apple sauce before, but to my surprise it was VERY easy to make. Its almost a shame I haven't done it sooner. Just peel, chop, simmer, smash, EAT! I added a little cinnamon because I love cinnamon with apples. David said it tastes like apple pie! Malia enjoyed it! she said " OOOOOOOh, WOW! APPA GASH!" like she always does when she gets it! With a whole box of apples on hand, there will be lots of apple sauce made in the weeks to come!
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