Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Going crazy?

Becoming a mom opens up a whole new world full of new things. Things that before you became a mother you never thought about. One of those things for me, and I assume for most parents is packing for a trip. Now, malia is 2 and has been on a number of trips since she's been born, and yes I'll admit it has taken me this long to figure out that the more organized you are, the easier life is while you are gone. (or anywhere for that matter!)

As usual I was browsing around on pintrest and saw a few tips on how to be an organized packer. So, I gave It a try, this is what I came up with...

Ziplock bags. A wonderful invention! A bag with an outfit for each day, one for shoes, one for accessories etc...this may just be a little overboard for some, but I have to say it eliminated the "where the heck did I out that?, I can't find this" etc... And, made for more packing space since everything isn't shoved in the bag.

It's that time to start packing for the beach, so break out the ziplock bags! Don't worry, I reuse them!

4 days......

Little sewing projects

I haven't sewn in a while, but got the itch when I saw this cute sun bonnet pattern online. With babies all around and a trip to the beach coming up, I figured now is a good time to make them!

The first one I made was for my cousin up in pennsylvania, who is due anytime with a baby girl. I have come to the conclusion that I'm terrible with remembering to take pics as I go...I take a few at the beginning then get into it and forget! So my apologies for the huge gap!

Here we have my fabric choices. The bonnet is reversible, so the solid pink will be for all 3, the light pink with what I believe to be apples is for my cousins baby and Audrey, and the flowers are for malia.

A big thanks to my wonderful hubby who got me all these fun tools for Christmas! Making sewing even more enjoyable :) he always says "the right tools make all the difference". I have to agree! Here I am cutting out the fat quarter I need. I didn't know what a "fat quarter" was...it's a square of 18x21" fabric.

Fat quarters ready. Then I cut the pattern peices (all 3 of them!) and off I went...

All done! Now on to Audrey and malias!