Merry christmas!!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Christmas with the Anderson's
Merry christmas!!
Monday, November 5, 2012
What's in a year?
Here is just a glimpse of what a year holds
The photo on the left is malia last year at the pumpkin patch. And on the right is this year! Its really neat to watch your kids grow and develop. Seeing features that resemble David or me, personality's a lot of fun!
This is what just 3 months holds! Time is a precious thing.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Note to self...
Sure, ok. But, mom and dad will keep an eye on you, you can only draw on the paper!
.........nap time............
Ah, crap! I forgot to take the markers out of her room!
Note to self: don't forget the MARKER bucket in your 2 year olds room at nap time.
She claims she knew nothing of it. I have my doubts.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
She's a builder
Saturday, September 29, 2012
The artist at work
As you can see here, she starts at the back porch with lovely reds and blues, then moves on to the dog with beautiful blues, greens and a creamy white ( which actually was drywall putty from her daddy's pan that was left out! Momma had to stop her or we would be sanding down poor Barkley!). Then she's off to the flower pots and then the garage!
But here, her masterpiece! The trunk of this tree has never looked so spectacular! From top to bottom it's just beautiful.
Here is the artist, showing her work.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Where's malia?
Anyway! Thanks to my wonderful handy husband we have this great fenced in back yard for malia and Barkley to run around in! Malia, like most kids, loves to be outside. She would be outside from the moment she woke up until she went to bed if I let her!
But now that she's getting older, I can let her and Barkley loose! She loves to be out fetching him (or finding new hiding places for his ball! Poor dog). Today, she found a hiding place for herself!
So, where is she? Where IS malia?? "Malia??"
Oh no! I can't find her! MALIA??
Oh!! There she is!
Silly girl! These bushes are a perfect hiding spot!
And here is little Ella enjoying the beautiful fall day!
A little side note...let your kids get dirty, it's good for them :)
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

and here we made daddy a cheese burger :)
Monday, July 9, 2012
It's getting close...
So, with this pregnancy quickly drawing to a close, it's time for me to get my butt into gear, and get stuff ready. The other day I finally pulled out my container of "0-3 months" clothes. You gotta wash them! If I'm anything like I was with malia, they might go through the wash once more! But, this time around I don't have as much time on my hands, and baby laundry not being so new, I don't see the second wash happening!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Going crazy?
As usual I was browsing around on pintrest and saw a few tips on how to be an organized packer. So, I gave It a try, this is what I came up with...
Ziplock bags. A wonderful invention! A bag with an outfit for each day, one for shoes, one for accessories etc...this may just be a little overboard for some, but I have to say it eliminated the "where the heck did I out that?, I can't find this" etc... And, made for more packing space since everything isn't shoved in the bag.
It's that time to start packing for the beach, so break out the ziplock bags! Don't worry, I reuse them!
4 days......
Little sewing projects
The first one I made was for my cousin up in pennsylvania, who is due anytime with a baby girl. I have come to the conclusion that I'm terrible with remembering to take pics as I go...I take a few at the beginning then get into it and forget! So my apologies for the huge gap!
Here we have my fabric choices. The bonnet is reversible, so the solid pink will be for all 3, the light pink with what I believe to be apples is for my cousins baby and Audrey, and the flowers are for malia.
A big thanks to my wonderful hubby who got me all these fun tools for Christmas! Making sewing even more enjoyable :) he always says "the right tools make all the difference". I have to agree! Here I am cutting out the fat quarter I need. I didn't know what a "fat quarter"'s a square of 18x21" fabric.
Fat quarters ready. Then I cut the pattern peices (all 3 of them!) and off I went...
All done! Now on to Audrey and malias!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Keep busy when moms busy
These days malia is a very busy bee. Her mind going a mile a minute! When I am in the Middle of my daily chores she suddenly demands moms attention. Wanting to play, go outside, etc... So to keep her busy I sometimes get her a big bowl with soapy water and let her have at it!

Today we tried something a little different! She loves to draw, so I grabbed a large sheet of freezer paper and stuck it to the fridge, got her markers and crayons and let her go! She enjoyed it, and I got the kitchen clean uninterrupted. I must say, she is quite the little artist!

Saturday, May 26, 2012
Under the bathroom sink...
Here we have the jumbled up mess of before. Lotion and body spray galore...
and here is the after! Not too shabby :) I suppose the next place I need to tackle is the linen closet...I'm not too excited about that one!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Organization cont...
Here we are again. Yet another crazy cabinet that can bring on a bad mood with the tug of a cookie sheet. Literally. I had organized the top a long time ago successfully (surprise), so that needed no attention. What you see here is just a pile of madness. I would carefully lean all the flat stuff up against the side of the cabinet, then strategically place pots and pans beside them to keep them from slipping or falling over. Ok, who has time for jenga type game when putting the dishes away, or just simply wants a cutting board? well, not me. I had had it!

I found this pan divider at Walmart when shopping for baskets for the kitchen sink. David secured it down for me, and just like that, the cabinet is organized. This one was easier than the last. I thought about lining the bottom, but it was getting late and dinner needed to be made. I can do that another day!
And on I go to the next.....Thursday, May 17, 2012
Organizing inspiration...or nesting in action?
Ok, we are empty! I wiped it down good with soapy water. It was gross. (this pic is pre wipe down)
Next, I lined the bottom with contact paper. The blogger raved about targets selection, but it must have been from a later time because their good selection is now online only :( so, I found this bright cheerful color at Walmart. It's really just to add a little something to an otherwise boring space.
And, walah! Ah, it's like a breath of fresh air!
I can actually put the dish rack down here! It's great!
With another Anderson addition on the way, organizing is a must. Trying to make life a little less hectic! I plan to continue my organizing itch throughout the house. Poor David! I'm sure you will all hear about how he can't find anything because I keep moving it all! Well, he's right...but hopefully once I find a way to do these things in a good, functional manner, they wont have to be moved again and again. That's my goal anyway!
Thank you PINTEREST for leading me to a bowl full of lemons to help me!